Want to be the next #nomads?


Pieter Levels from Nomad List famously created one of the biggest revenue-generating community.

Let’s have a look at how he set his pricing.

Premium Slack communities can be serious businesses

Recurring memberships and multiple plans

Offering multiple plans with different prices is a known, effective pricing strategy. And a subscription-based membership (vs one-off payments) is a comfortable way to increase revenue.

Combine the two, and you have a solid base for a killer pricing strategy.

After testing lots of different price points for his Slack community, Pieter has currently set the following membership plans:

  • $29.95 every 1 month
  • $59.37 every 3 months
  • $119.40 every 12 months
  • $199 for lifetime access
Pieter seems to update (usually, increase) his pricing every few weeks.

Switching to recurring plans, as well as proposing different price points to cater for everyone, have been key in his financial growth:

For sure, he’s been hard at work for a long time to create and grow this community. You’ll also have to work hard, there’s no magic trick.

You should focus on growing your community — not more.

Focus on people, not code

Don’t lose time fiddling with how to take payments, or trying custom code to invite people to your Slack team. That’s hard to do.

We did the dirty job for you, so you don’t have to.

InviteRobot lets you move fast and painlessly on your paid Slack community. You’ll have payment and sign-up forms working in minutes. You don’t have to code anything. Just connect your Stripe account and you’ll receive money in your bank account, right away.

Be the next #nomads

Once you have your community up and running, focus on making it awesome. Regarding pricing, don’t think twice and use a proven strategy: go straight for recurring memberships and multiple price points!

Here’s how you can easily setup InviteRobot exactly as Nomad List plans:

Boom. You just enabled multi-tier plans and recurring payments.

Use InviteRobot for free

InviteRobot is free to start until your 15th member, so you can focus on growing an awesome community, and forget about how to get money into your bank account. 🙌

Create your free account now!

If you have any question, drop a line in the comment or chat live with us on inviterobot.com.

The InviteRobot Team 🤖

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